Message from Regent Artimis Raiden of the Imperium

A holo message is broadcasted via the former Imperial News Network hoping it would reach the CSA. On it Artimis Raiden standing on what would appear to be Press podium. He takes a sip of his glass rum and began speaking


I am Regent Artimis Raiden formerly of the Raiden Empire which due to more impacting reasons has been redubbed as The Imperium.

After the chaos that transpired with the loss of the now former Sith Empire based on Byss, We were all shocked of the enormous impact this held, many systems were left in utter Chaos as you well know.

My fellow Imperials of the ISM too were in disarray and required a new purpose all of the sudden.

We did what we believed best in the state we were in and reformed our military into the now named Imperium to ensure our people remain and are not abandoned saving and providing aid to as many of our citizens where possibly could.

While I wish to insure you that we mean nothing but the best with what we were given.

I fully understand you must have felt threatened by this sudden change.

I therefore propose that we meet in a neutral or even within your own space to speak of what happens now.

I hereby do wish to also state, We of The Imperium mean no harm to your merchant fleets if needed you may even refuel your ships at any of our space stations should you need it.

We mean not to threaten our former allies but to keep our friendships as they once were.

At any rate i can ramble all I want and nothing will be achieved you know how to reach me should you wish to have a tea together.

I bid you a fair day and hope we will have conversation soon.


Artimis would give a friendly salute then the feed came to its end

All Good Things

By Kesare Sauvage, Editor In Chief

BREAKING NEWS from Imperial News Network:
An image of the Empress of Byss appears on her throne. “READY THE FLEETS! And prep the Ror’Jihan fleet. We go…we scuttle this planet. No one will take from us.”

*INN, All the truth you can handle. *

A long silence hung over the throne room at the Empress’ last order, Members of the Imperial Sith Military spoke into their comms as orders spread across the Sith Empire over the next few moments. A plan long prepared for had been finally called to action. Distant screams could be heard as voices throughout the citadel and beyond were lost in the ensuing chaos. What was going on beyond the doors of the throne room? What was going on beyond the halls of the citadel?

BREAKING NEWS from Imperial News Network:
“Multiple explosions has been recorded above Byss as a space battle taking place. The Ror’jihan fleet and defense fletes have fired on Darth Kalaratri’s Fleet. Shrapnel is coming down through the atmosphere and warnings are going out. Stay tned to INN news as developments unravel from the Palace.”

((All the fleets above opened fire on Kal’s fleet along with the Ror’Jihan that was already in their planet-killing formation. The results would be…devastating. The entire force of the Sith Empire was now taking orders only from the Empress. She drew her vibrosword, “I have a better idea, now that your hand is being shown.”))

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
“Unknown forces have invaded the palace on Byss…”
Behind the reporter came the clear voice of the Empress. A sea of red lightsabers surging into attack position in the Great Hall.
Empress Rowe looked to the rest gathered, “whatever is out there…they do not live beyond this moment. Am I clear?” Empress Rowe made her way to the great hall and saw the large crowd, “is this all you brought to attack this empire? I am insulted….CALL YOUR DOGS…THEY CAN FEAST ON YOUR CORPSES!” And with that, she looked to her own Sith, “kill them…all of them.”

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Entering the great hall of Validestius’ Citadel those of the order would find absolute chaos. The hall filled with dozens of sith acolytes and failed disciples fighting for their lives. Yet the path forward was beyond them, those who wished to move forward would have to defeat those gathered.
Darth Nemesis, Certus, Dezinya and Jen’aru Rina charge into the sea of robed enemies as a Force Storm breaks throughout the huge room, lightning sizzling into the dark robed ranks… the Empress leaping through the crash of lightning to cleave the lead enemy… Dozens of sith would fall to the blades of the order. Yet they continued on, trying to cut through those who continued to fight even as their numbers were cut down. Bodies littering the floors.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
In the crash of the Force Storm, the Live Feed struggles to show battle and the voice of the reporter frequently drowned out by the roar of battle and screams od death and carnage. The false sith before Darth Certus fall in heaps of tortured crystal and bloody corpses rapidly shredding apart, he turned spinning his saber and bringing a falling avalance crashing down towards another target. Darth Dezinya grabbed the Keldor through the Force and attempted to crush every single one of its bones within his body, the bones breaching the skin and causing unimaginable pain. Empress Rowe moved like a striking viper now making a thrust with her vibrosword to try and spear the last one alive in group 5 through the head like a shish-kabob on a stick. Jen’ari Rina placed herself between the two groups , reaching out with the force she moved her hand into a clutching motion attempting to break his neck. Dark Lady Kalaratri raises her staff again channeling lightning, as she let out a barrage from the weapon, arching towards the group before her. Blade against blade more continued to fall, Heads falling to the ground bodies littering the hall. The failed acolytes continued still to try and fight against those who stood in their way.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
General Chris Raiden opens fire as his troops battle on all over the Citadel, Jen’ari Invidia’s hands crackled with lighting as force lighting crackled at her finger tips. the storm continues on. Darth Certus [Abel Skaeren] spins his saber in his hand after splitting one of the failed sith in half vertically and aims to take the last of the group in front of him out with a quick stab. Kado Virtuous would bash there heads in with his training saber.
It took only moments for the acolytes to be felled by the true sith of the order, the blood streaking their armor being not their own. Passionate upstarts trying to save their own lives. Yet their destiny would end here, Leaving the great hall devoid of all those who would stand in the orders way. To scuttle the planet however the order would have to continue forward to the ancient caves leading to the forge of Validus and bring it to life once more.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Empress Rowe thrust her sword out, “forward! Kill them all!” She shouted as she ran through the great hall. She raised the devise she spoke into before, “Open Hall One” and the great doors unsealed and opened leading out of the great hall. The ancient caves that would lead to the forge had laid abandoned for decades, Even this path to the forge had been kept secret by all but those of the highest rank within the order. What lay within these caves was anyones question.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Upon entering the code in the old terminal, the massive blast door would shutter alive, lifting inch by inch as it rose into the ceiling above. Grinding against the stone as the path forward was granted. Continuing through the caves a massive room filled with bubbling magma would rest infront of the true sith, Rising from the lava were two massive imposing beasts peering out towards the two. If the sith wished to continue forward they would have to defeat the ancient beasts. As the Dark Side began to fail them, the Executor stepped forward a bit and attempted to crush the throat of the beast on the right. Dark Lady Kalaratri raised her staff once more, as the power of the bogan gathered around in lightning, and she lunged it forward. The beasts mouths opened as the sith approached, their hardened bodies were tempered to the damage that the order would attempt against the ancient leviathans. Each would open their mouths and spew molten lava out towards the group. Lava pours over the Supreme General Rokkuo, Darth Awata and Disciple Virtu in the narrow passage.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Darth Certus [Abel Skaeren] would sprint forward leaping through the lava spray up above leviathen #1 as sith lightning crackles along his right arm and he swings a reverse uppercut down at the head of the beast before leaping off of the beast to land on the bridge. Nikkos Rokkuo would immediately find himself engulfed in Leviathan vomit, stumbling back a bit as his shots went wide. Darth Dezinya pressed deep into the Force as she jumped and reached for the first Leviathan’s jaw, attempting to pry it apart and dislocate the bones within, her claws digging deep within its superheated skin. Empress Rowe channeled lightning through the blade of her vibrosword and swings it like a bat to fling a ball of energy at one of the monsters. Dark Lady Kalaratri sent another huge arc of pure bogan lightning towards the lava leviathan. Darth Nemesis jumped onto the bridge, to send debris and boulder’s down upon the Leviathan’s head as General Chris Raiden poured blaster fire into the lava beast. The sound of rending stone filled the cavern ahead of the rest of the order, as if the very bedrock was being split asunder. With an echoing crash Invidia attempted to send the rune stone pillars flying in to the Leviathan. Darth Certus leaped back into the air towards the leviathan and slam feet against it acting both as a double snap kick attack and bouncing off of the animal to land back on the bridge. Darth Dezinya ignited her saber and jabbed it through the creature’s skull as she stood atop it, jumping back down on the bridge.
Disciple Virtu = Disciple Kado. The INN regrets this error in its long history of incredibly accurate reporting.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
The Empress jumped across the lava to land on the top of the creature and drive her sword through its skull. With one of the Ancient Leviathans slain and the other badly damaged the one remaining Leviathan would raise its massive tail and slam it into the stone bridge collapsing the worn walkway out from under the feet of those who dared face it. General Rokkuo, Darth Certus, Darth Dezinya fall with the bridge as the rest scramble to each side.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Darth Awata force throws his former master into the leviathan, missing but Darth Certus plunges into the molten lava below searing against his skin causing the wrath to want to roar in irritation but it was probably better not to swallow molten rock. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around individual scales climbing up the back of the leviathan, molten rock dripping off of him as he breaches the surface. He lets out a cocophonous roar and slams his fist into the back of the beasts neck to tear out it’s throat through the other side as the Sith around him pull themselves out of the lava. The caves ahead would lead eventually to a massive door. The heat grew and grew as the sith ventured further towards the very heart of the planet. Towards the ancient forge.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Sitting upon the ancient throne within the very heart of Byss laid the imposing forge. Though the passage of time had dealt irrepirable damage to it the massive statue of Validus himself stood within the heart of it. And before the statue, and the order itself sat the ancient sith pureblood. Dark Lord Validus, who sat upon the throne, consuming the thousands of souls whos lives were taken across the planet and beyond. As the Sith of the order entered within the room he would rise to his feet, golden staff in hand. A cruel grin would crawl across the ancient siths face. “Long have I waited for those who wish to destroy my home. Byss has stood by my will and my will alone, and no other shall decide this planets fate…” spoke the voice of Dark Lord Validus. Before lifting his blackened digits. “Hash’ta Ik’ra Nu’umb’ra!” hissed the voice in a long dead language, raising his hand as a dozen spears black as the void itself manifested themselves within the molten core of the planet. Before raining down on the intruders. Whatever idea some may have had about negotiating with the once Emperor had vanished in an instant, With scape hardly an option only one thing was left. Face down the Dark Lord and win or perish at his hand.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
With a snarl Jen’ari Invidia dropped the shield and raised the blade channeling the force through it she shot a blast of icy corruption towards Validus. Darth Certus ignited both ends of his blade stepping forward and slamming aside the black spear with his upper blade before sprinting forward and spinning his saber low and slashing at the spirits legs. Empress Rowe approached Jen’ari Validus, “I have long awaited this moment. I’m the Emperor Slayer after all. Tell me Validus….what piece of you should I take as my prize when you are dead?” And with that she lunged at the former Sith Emperor with a slash that could cleave a mountain. Jen’ari Rina took a ball of lava and threw it towards Validus. Dark Lady Kalaratri lunged her staff forward again, sending pure arc lighting towards the former Emperor.
Struck by an onslaught of force powers and saber slashes, though the Ancient Sith continued to hold a defense against the members of his order. He would bare his teeth before throwing out a hand and sending a shockwave which rippled the very core of the planet itself, Leaving Byss to tremble at the might which the former Emperor now held at his fingertips. Sending those who dared approach his throne flying back. Suddenly the form of Dark Lord Validus would seem like little more than a thin veil before them as it rose above the ground vanishing for a moment. The spirit speaking once more to the very threads of chaos themselves, weaving and bending them to his will. “Ja’mak Du Thras, Kall’ek Shii’ra” echoed the voice, As waves of dark side corruption spilled from the ghost like apparition, lunging out towards those who stood before him. Spreading his insidious will into the minds of those weaker than himself, the Empress, Kalaratri and Nemesis, and Disciple Kado.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Jen’ari Invidia: A dark laughter filled her mouth,. slowly she drew upon the force as dark tendrils reached out to entomb Rowe. Darth Certus reached out sheathing his hand in sith lightning to grab the spirit by the throat and choke slam it into the ground. Nikkos Rokkuo would continue to launch a barrage of blaster bolts at the cavern ceiling above them, giving no sign as to his conversion. After a volley of concentrated fire, he would have hopefully been successful in weakening the structure as to cause the ceiling to begin to cave in in large chunks on the Sith and ISM below. Empress Rowe laughed and speared her sword forward trying to impale him. Dark Lady Kalaratri launched another barrage of lightning towards the former Emperor, holding her grip tight on the staff. As the crowd of sith devolved into chaos few still focusing upon the former Emperor. Dark Lord Validus would find himself still hit by a few stray attacks vanishing once more this time in his entirety only his voice would be left echoing throughout the once great forge. The dark forces of the former emperor would seem to seep into the remnants of the forge itself as the eyes of the massive golden statue would open, revealing glowing crimson eyes. All those who stood within the sight of the statue of the Dark Lord would feel as their very skin would begin to bubble and burn. Voices of a thousand lost souls who had perished upon the molten world screamed as the Dark Lords might swelled. A single word echoing throughout the forge. “Obey” a command which to those who were not strong enough to face the sheer might of the dark lord would be faced with.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Darth Nemesis, Dezinya and Awata. Darth Nemesis attempted to jump on Certus’s back in an attempt to stab him repeatedly before he kicked her down the ramp.Jen’ari Invidia turned to face Darth Nemesis, her hand and sword crackled with purple light, as a wave of life sapping energy rocketed towards Nemesis. Darth Awata draws his twin forcesabers, the sheer force of will of the dark spirit overwhelms him and he attempts to Force push Jen’ari Kalaratri into the lava as Disciple Kado falls to the ground unconscious. Nikkos Rokkuo lunged at Darth Rina to tackle her to the ground and begin beating her face in. As Dark Lady Kalaratri fried Darth Awata with lighting, The visage of Dark Lord Validus appeared before the throne once again, As the blades of the various members of his order slashed and lunged at one another. Validus’ spirit returned to corporeal form a cold and cruel grin lingering upon his face as he seemed to be feeding off the pain and blood that had been split within the forge. The pure blood sith would lift his staff up into the air arcs of lightning sparking off the imposing golden staff as the Dark Lord leveled his staff against the order. Bringing to bare a cacophony of sith lightning upon all who dare stand before him. Jagged teeth revealed as a cackled laugh would be heard erupting from Validus frying Jen’ari Rina, Dark Lady Kālarātri and Darth Awata who fell in a smoking heap.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Darth Nemesis would attempt to sidestep the fling but didn’t see it coming in time and went flying. And this was after the whole health sucking thing. Flying backwards Nemesis would jump up and start attempting to stab Jen’Ari Rina. Jen’ari Invidia spun backward aiming the Bedrock blade at Darth Nemesis throat. Darth Certus turned back on the return of the spirit growling and would charge his fist with immense sith lightning before slamming his fist into the ground sending a blast of rock, lightning, and dark side energy at the spirit. Nikkos Rokkuo extended a vibroblade from his gauntlet and begin to stab at Darth Rina rather than just bludgeon her to death as Darth Dezinya pounced on the Sith, slashing her throat and shoulder until she fell.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Dark Lady Kalaratri [Lerina] turned her attention back to the Jen’ari, sending another barrage of lightning from her staff.

As another wave of attacks unleashed themselves upon the Dark Lord he would find himself despite all the power that the forge had granted him ebbing further and further towards the void. He knew that this was the final moment that he could truly turn the tide against the intruders and save his home. The Dark Lord would channel all of his rage and fury a cloak of fire enveloping the spirit as his ghostly visage seemed to rise once more into the air. The eyes of Dark Lord Validus glowing as if with the heat of burning stars. As his voice echoed not only throughout the Forge. But beyond and across the surface of the planet itself. “Ira’sa Notep Ka’raa’sha, Haa’sa Irat!” With every syllable that slipped from Dark Lords lips the ground would ripple and shutter sending cracks which would echo through the molten stone of the burning planet. Opening wounds the size of rivers across its surface. The sheer power at the Dark Lords brought to bare was enough to bring even the strongest willed darth to his knees.
Somewhere deep within the corrupted mind which was Validus’ he knew that this would be the final act that he could command upon the planet Byss. And just as he had foretold when they had entered. He and He alone would decide this planets fate. Rocks the size of boulders would crumble and fall, splashing into the core of Byss sending waves of molten magma in waves, Crushing the golden statue of Validus. The heart of Byss had been pierced, though it had been at a heafty price. Now laid ahead perhaps the hardest task. Escaping the heart of Byss alive. Before the planet crumpled in on itself and was shattered upon the former Emperors will.

BREAKING NEWS from Imperial News Network:
It took less than an hour from the Empress’ command till all that was left of the once great seat of the Sith Empire to be little more than a shattered planet floating within the endless void of space. The remaining Sith Empire shocked with the constant news reports and final orders of the last Empress of the Empire would leave the countless planets under their domain in utter chaos. And with the strongest members of the order departing for a distant planet beyond the grasps of the known galaxy only questions without answers would be left in the hearts and minds of so many. A power unlike any other had vanished from the galaxy overnight. Leaving the galaxy with the greatest unease for what would come to pass.

BREAKING NEWS LIVE FEED from Imperial News Network:
Broadcast from a safe location on a ship overlooking the destroyed planet, signing off for the last time with a flicker of complicated emotions across her face. “This has been Kesare Sauvage, for the INN. good night.”

Sith Ascend, Darth Dureal Murdered

By Kesare Sauvage

BYSS – In a lengthy Sith meeting today Disciple Neri Drin was accused of the murder of her Master Darth Dureal but claimed that it had been the Darth’s own wish. “I did end Darth Dureal’s life. It was the last task she made me do. She was mysterious, as you all know, but I obeyed her command down to the last second, I wouldn’t have harmed her otherwise. Darth Dureal left herself open for me to stab the lightsaber through her chest, but, that only kills if someone doesn’t make use of the Dark Side to stay alive.”

Jen’ari Rina who oversaw the meeting agreed as the phantom of Darth Dureal confirmed the actions. “You are right in that fact. To slay a Darth of her renown has shown the council that you have a mastery of the force beyond your station. Darth Dureal has trained you higher than we had expected.” She paused there for a moment and canted her head to the little sith. “Your flame is not yet to be extinguished. Before this council I here by elevate you to the rank of Darth. Darth Dezinya, cast away Neri for now you are born anew.”

Disciple Vitn and Lady Krell next were called forward. Darth Crucis took a step forward as both of his students were called forward, peering out towards each of them. “Lady Krell, Disciple Vitn, each of you have been under my guidance for some time. Each of you have gone down this path, serving this empire to the best of your abilities. Yet as this order continues I find that I hold no need of students the likes of you.”

Lady Krell her silence was long though bearing no outward expression at all but one of stoic contemplation. It was a long while before she spoke, looking directly into her masters eyes as she did “If you have no need for me Master then I take that as you have nothing more to teach me. I will take what you have given me and will continue to make my mark on the galaxy then.”

The pair were raised to the rank of Darth Miseria and Lord Bàs, giving the floor to Darth Sestra.

“I have only wished one of exceptional ability to mirror my teachings, to walk as I walked apart from their past. To be resolute in your dedication so that nothing, not family, nor planet could tether you and keep you from your destiny. Of them all, you are the only one that remains, the one that seeks not to replicate but to be that which you are. Tell me, have you achieved this truly in your estimation?”

Lady Hedonia replied, “One never finishes learning who they are or what potential they have, my Master. I feel as though I have followed the path set before me, and have learned from the leaps I have taken from that path. You showed me how to do as you have done, but not be you. I feel that, yes, I have become a soldier can be as strong as you, in my own way.”

Darth Sestra retracted the gauntlet, let it fall to her side as her fingers clenched to a fist. “Yes, Hedonia is dead and gone as it should be, as it must be to have true freedom- I christen you Darth Livana.”

Jen’ari Invidia then removed all trace of Darth Livana’s many cybernetics, replacing them as organic growths with her sorcery. ” A lesson you have failed to receive it seems… Is that Cybernetics… interfere with the the use of the force…And I simply can not allow one such as yourself to continue to blatantly disregard this lesson..” With a simple twitch of her hand she attempted now to rip them all from the Darth’s body in a single gesture.

Darth Certus followed with Lord Gidiskin next approached the throne.

Darth Certus turned to face his apprentice. “Lord Gidiskin. Tell meesa… what is it dat makes a sith… a sith?”

His eyes slowly open once more as he hears his master speak. “Passion, power,” he replies, his voice quiet as always yet projected to be easily understood. “Trusting in the Force, yet directing it at the same time. Wielding it, but not enslaved to it.”

Darth Certus continued, “Yousa have learned da primary lesson den dat meesa have attempted to pound through yousas skull… so explain to meesa den if yousa know dis… why yousa have failed to exercise it?” he said his aura pulsating with every word, his voice like thunderous fury lightly shaking the very dais upon which they stood as if it where to resonate with each word.

“Yousa have held back a true weapon of da dark side for too long Lord Gidiskin. Meesa strip from yousa everything dat yousa are and take back dat which da dark side has built. Yousa die today here and now. So dat Darth Awata may stand in yousas place!” he growled a storm of dark side energy coursing from the gungan sparking about the chamber and lashing down at the gungan, channeling through the massive frame of the monstrous Darth and blasting into the true sith below him.

Executor Rina ended the session with congratulations to Darths Miseria, Livana, Awata, Dezinya and Lord Bas then departed to meet with the ISM. Security presence was increased at the ports and shore leave cancelled for the ISM following a small series of tremors that shook the throneroom.

Jen’ari Destius attended the session with Empress Rowe and left early but expects to be in the Imperial City for a few days.

GR Chancellor Fired!

By Kesare Sauvags

NEW ALDERAAN – Mundane bureaucratic business turned into a political firestorm today at the Galactic Republic meeting as Empress Celue announced her candidacy for Chancellor.

Citing Republic laws limiting a Chancellor to three four month terms in office, Chancellor Pjaysiv quickly came under fire as it emerged that she has been in office for over four years. 

Allegations of corruption on a scale of the legendary Palpatine began flying and the acting Senator of New Alderaan quit in a rage.

Jal’See Poi,  CEO of the Corporate Sector Authority threatened a blockade against the GR worlds, and to run herself.

The Galactic Republic will undertake an emergency session next week as the Chancellor fights to keep her seat, but as yet no other candidates have come forward. Non GR citizens are not banned from holding GR high office and the field could become interesting with one witty suggestion nominating Empress Rowe.

In lighter news, well known Hapan socialite Lady Cvetta Ceryss was seen on Talus dancing the night away in a tiny skirt and barely there aquamarine scaled halter top with an unknown Mandalorian who offered her a beskar mythosaur medallion amid a discussion we can only describe as the hottest foreplay to come across our desk in some time… 

Spice and Crime Rates Rising

by Kesare Sauvage

CORUSCANT – In the wake of news that the price of Andris Spice from Empress Teta has quadrupled in price, the price of any spice from Kessinamon to Carsunum has risen drastically across the galaxy in the past few weeks and as the price of a gram of ryll and glitterstim rise on the open market, so has crime.
Petty robberies and theft is up 10-20% by some unofficial estimates, the authorities have refused to give official estimates but some Security Forces say, “People are getting desperate. Things haven’t been good since the Cultists, and the Syndicate, BlackSun, even the Pykes are jacking prices. We can’t handle this. We need help and the Empress can only do so much.”
Insurance companies report a small increase in arson cases, and suspect insurance fraud, while embezzlement is also on the rise showing all stratas of society are under pressure from rising these days.
Murders have increased 15% in some Sectors.
Blaster sales are up 35% and the Bank of Dlugacz offers a free blaster with all new accounts.
Exports from the Celestial Empire include rice, ores, cybernetics, silks, droids, pharmaceuticals, Kyber crystals, starships, medical supplies, foodstuffs, manufacturing under the House Void Trading labels, Sea God Trading, Romanoff Industries, Trade Union, Little Imps, Arron, and Silver Flame Order among others.
Officials have requested citizens not to hoard supplies.
Said one Hutt, “It is most unfortunate the law of supply and demand. We have supply and the galaxy demands. What can we do but pass on our own rising costs?”
Said the Celestial Empress, “You can thank the NGR for this need for raised price for shipments to your worlds and your loss of food.”

Hutt Forces Attack Grand Army Troopers

By Kesare Sauvage
Appearing in the center of the feed is Grand Moff Rakoi Onaga, flanked on both sides at the table by several Moffs of the Council of Moffs with the banners of the IRC on the walls behind them, the central one bigger than the rest and raised somewhat higher due to its size compared to its left and right counterparts. The atmosphere is stern, and for good reason as everyone soon is to find out
“Yesterday, a trooper of the Grand Army of the Republic who was peacefully enjoying a drink at a cantina on Tatooine was tragically killed in an attack by mercenaries under the employ of Throbon the Hutt. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers, and our deepest sympathies go out to the New Galactic Republic, and to the Grand Army of the Republic respectively… From what we have discerned, there was no warning whatsoever, Throbon has seemingly declared that there is to be no foreign military presence on Tatooine without telling anyone. This attack was not only unprovoked, it was a senseless act of murder against a soldier on shore leave, as we have no knowledge of any formal GAR military presence on Tatooine. This act of senseless aggression has not and will not go unnoticed. As we and our allies in the Coalition of Independent Systems maintain a jointly operated garrison and peacekeeping force in the town of Mos Eisley, having liberated the village from the Cultists that ravaged Coruscant in blood and madness, we find this act especially egregious. We do not seek to expand any further beyond the Mos Eisley area and merely intend on protecting the town and its denizens. That said, any action taken against IRC and or Coalition personnel will NOT be tolerated. Furthermore, further attacks on GAR personnel are also considered viable grounds for retaliation and or sanctions. The rule of law will be respected. And Order and Peace Will prevail. Furthermore, we urge the Hutt Clans to look into the matter if possible, and to reach out to respective foreign governments to properly address the situation. We do not seek a conflict, but let it be known that we will NOT be bullied or cater to the demands of rogue aggressors.”

The holofeed shifts away to an attractively groomed brunette at a news desk looking seriously into the holofeed…

“This news out of Tatooine, a remote desert world on the outer rim, came to light in the early hours this morning as members of the Grand Army of the Republic informed the Acting Chancellor and Senate of the unprovoked assault.”

“Secretary of State Naji Lightstar released further information on the trooper, Private C-1776, known as Chugger, celebrating his first year of active service with a fellow trooper, having just received an award earlier that day for Good Conduct and another for Valor under fire in the Corellia and Pluthan campaigns.”

“Private Chugger reportedly did not suffer, and his body was returned to Kamino by his fellow troopers.”

“A State Funeral with Honors is expected and Secretary of State Lightstar of Thustra has said , “I wish to meet with a representative of GAR formally in the morning to discuss. This is a terrorist act against a citizen of the NGR. Clone or otherwise they have all the same rights and protections of any NGR citizen.”

“Throbon Inijic is well known as the CEO of Throbbyburgers, previously the owner of the Braying Bantha Hotel in Mos Espa on Tatooine for many years until he moved to a palace in the City of Wayfar near the southern edge of the Western Dune Sea to open a casino.”

“The acknowledged Lorda of Tatooine, Throbon was attacked there in December of 2018 and suspected Imperial involvement, and again in February 2019 by the Grand Army of the Republic following a series of bounties placed by the Hutt on several major galactic leaders.”

“As of our last report from this beleaguered world, the local Daimyo installed by Throbon is Empress Celue of the Celestial Empire.”

War Declared!

From [ISM] G.I.G. Nikkos Rokkuo — 01/17/2022
Imperial News Network
The channels of the Imperials would all flash as Breaking News scrolled across the screen. The vision breaking away to a well dressed Zeltron reporter. “Marisya here, with breaking news as reports are coming in, confirming the rumors of the death of Darth Rina, Hand to the Empress Rowe and Grand Inquisitor,” she’d say, continuing on, “In just a few moments, Nikkos Rokkuo, Grand Imperial General of the Imperial Sith Military and Metatron of the Empire will be addressing the Empire as a whole. Meanwhile, we have Forecaster Zex Mintrun with us. Zex, what are your thoughts? Could this be the Republic? The Mandalorians?”

The window of the Zeltron would minimize as a Muun appeared on screen, the sound of chanting heard behind him “This can only be the work of the Republic and such a move is going to motivate the troops as never before. Every Imperial here behind me in Market Square is chanting for the head of Chancellor Bhailli’jeh, traitor of the Empire. You can hear their devotion to this Empire and the love they had for Grand Inquisitor Rina. In fact, I had just gotten off the com-” The screen would suddenly cut out from the Muun as the Zeltron took over the screen again, “Zex, I’m sorry to interrupt you, we just received word we’re going live to the Citadel!”

The screen would flash over to the Citadel Exterior just as General Rokkuo made his way to the landing just outside its steps. “It is with a heavy heart,” echoed his voice across the area “To inform this Empire that the claims of the traitor Bhailli’jeh are true. She has, indeed, successfully hunted down and assassinated the Grand Inquisitor, Darth Rina.” An outcry of disapproval and grief would flood the microphones, almost drowning into a collective white noise. The General would allow it for a few moments before continuing, talking over the crowd “I have just met with the Empress Rowe and she has assured me that this will not go unanswered. The New Galactic Republic has made a promise for war against your Empire and the assassination of the Grand Inquisitor has shown their intent to keep that promise. Effective immediately, the Sith Empire will answer their call.” The shouts and cries of the crowd soon turned into cheers and shouting of acceptance, bolstered spirits encouraged by the promise of revenge.

“Her Majesty, your Empress, has informed me that we, as Imperials of this great Empire, should not mourn the loss of this Empire, which is heavy, but instead sharpen our blades, prepare our neighbors, and ready ourselves for the slaughter. This war is a war that will be won in the name of Darth Rina. Long Live The Empress, Long Live the Empire!” The Anzat would raise his fist in the air to a roar of applause, cheers, shouting, as others in the crowd would do the same. A miniature screen appearing in the corner, the Zeltron beginning to speak, “Well there you have it, war has been officially declared by both sides. This is Marisya with Imperial News Network, we will continue to keep you up to date with any further developments. Long live the Empress, long live the Empire.”

End Transmission

Dark Lady Attacks Ryloth Chancellor, Wounds Senator

By Kesare Sauvage

RYLOTH – While the bulk of the Sith Imperial Forces continues to lay siege to Commenor Chancellor Bhailli’Jeh Freykaa of the New Galactic Republic announced earlier today to the Senate that a Sith attack had occurred on Republic soil. The recent execution of Vice Chancellor Caldoth and the Senator of Susevfi have also been blamed on the Dark Lords of the Sith.

“This is the Chancellor of the NGR Bhailli’jeh Freykaa speaking, the mountain hold was attacked by Byss Operatives seeking combat with myself and the Senator Asa of Ryloth, they escaped with considerable damage in our victory. Notable present: Myself, Priestess Asa Freykaa and Good Sister Athena Kryze.. Fort Numa garrison is notified to be aware they could have fled in to the low lands to escape our pursuit of the Dark Lady Kālarātri and her forces. A warning to all Sectors to watch as they retreat for possible apprehension.”

“This is their third attempt on Senator Asa, let ensure they are ..persuaded a fourth would be foolish. This whiffs of Despiration, let’s see how much they want to commit to this one person.

Following this, the Empress Rowe stated, “When Commenor is finished, the fleets that have sat ready will then turn for the heart of Republic space and mark my words, when we get there, I will personally drag their Chancellor back to Byss with my bare hands where she will face this Empire. Make preparations, I am done waiting. We will bring the fight to them.”

General Traden of the ISM further reported at the Empress’ Meeting earlier today that, “The ISM has secured all the surrounding area of our landing point and the Base on Commenor.. We control the Planet’s Shield.”

Commenor remains under Sith blockade and with communications jammed.

Sith Execute Vice Chancellor

By Kesare Sauvage

December 22, 2021

“It is unfortunate that this day I must stand before you to announce the loss of a fellow warrior and patriot of this great republic. In a move that can at best be described as petty retaliation the Byss Empire has taken one of our own, Vice Chancellor Caldoth prisoner and without so much as a negotiation executed him.”

“This is an ongoing escalation of hostilities with this rogue state that seeks to undo our very way of life to satisfy the gluttony of its Empress and her fetid doctrines. I stand before you now because I believe in transparency and as such I will not mince words, nor sugar coat it. Empress Rowe will not stop until all we hold dear, all our Vice Chancellor held dear is laid waste before her. Your Children shackled as thralls under her repressive Dogmas. I call now that we, as a people should unite and seek to end this threat form the dark world for the honor and glory of our fallen. Be they Forces of GAR, my Administration or any person who looks to this Republic for Sanctuary. The time for debate with these creatures is over, it is time that heated blood answers the call of heated blood. “

“Rowe and her inquisitors have tried time and again to strike at us, our forces and our civilians with no restraint, I say now honor demands they be sent back to their dead world, either in retreat or in the same way they sent our Vice Chancellor to us, I ask that we push forward to see this done for the glory and freedoms of all beings- Byss, must be stopped, finally and forever as our Vice Chancellor would attest were he not so cruelly slaughtered.”

“In the name of Caldoth of Balmorra, The Empress of the Sith and her Grand Inquisitor must receive their just due and if in so doing they breath their last breath, so be it.”

Earlier tonight, Chancellor Frey’kaa’s surprising announcement went out across all Republic news feeds and remembrances began to pour in to social media sources Spacebook and Switcher.

An Arkanian by species, Vice Chancellor Caldoth of Balmorra was little known on the galactic stage before leading Balmorra to join the nascent 8th Galactic New Republic and then becoming Balmorra’s Senator, where he championed weapons reform policies particularly the banning of certain weapons, and also strengthening the Republic military by pursuing droid contracts to reinforce the Grand Army of the Republic’s forces and Republic Worlds after the fall of Taris.

As Vice Chancellor of the New Galactic Republic, Caldoth was sworn in during September with Chancellor Freykaa after running unopposed and frequently played a behind the scenes role, serving the Republic’s interests in negotiations with the Hutts and providing a bulwark against Sith expansion out of the Deep Core region.

A freedom fighter who was wounded leading a workers revolt against the Corporatocracy ruling the military-industrial world of Balmorra, Caldoth was a successful businessman and noted dancer.

Caldoth leaves behind no family. He had no children, his parents both died years ago before the revolution on Balmorra.

Memorial donations should be sent directly to the NGR.

Sith Empire Distances Itself From Celue

By Kesare Sauvage

BYSS – An ongoing debate over Accords between the Kalway Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic continues to rile diplomatic communities, first in the meetings of the Galactic Republic and most recently across the discussion forums of the Holonet.

Introduced in March 2015, the Aldera Protocol formalizes the relationship between the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Orders who are signatories to this arrangement and lays out legal standing and protocols for these Jedi Orders and their members. Something the Celestial Empress has long opposed.

With the debate moving onto the Holonet, Celestial Ally Empress Rowe added her voice, saying, “Celue has managed to make an enemy of virtually the entire galaxy. A feat not even I have achieved. She will fall in line now, or she’ll be adding us to her list of adversaries… and one already in her back yard, I might add. We will not be the big dog at the end of her leash so she can run her mouth with reckless abandon.”

The Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Pjaysiv Panteer, stated that, “I get the fact most don’t understand the agreement and their may be some who oppose the aldera accords. The benefits protect both parties. By setting up this agreement we make sure that no Jedi or force users can hold political office. They also assure that we as the government body can not commanded the Jedi.”

Alleging segregation of Force Users by the GR as she repeatedly claimed to speak ‘for the people’, Empress Celue went on to state that at least one Force User already has taken control of the Galactic Republic, information she would only divulge in private to Empress Rowe while hinting that the New Galactic Republic had already fallen under the sway of one such, recently elected Chancellor Bhailli’jeh Freykaa formerly a Sith of the Sith Empire. “Though I know the Chancellor of NGR has turned away from the path of her training. I know of one within the government of GR… Though words can not be spoken in open holonet. Privately Later Mi’lady Empress Rowe of Byss.”

A senior member of the Sith Empire interceded on behalf of the Chancellor however, “Let it be known that while the sitting Chancellor was once a member of the Sith, she chose to depart and serve her people. As a Darth, that is her right, seen previously by the likes of Jen’ari Vectivus. Any challenge of this account, is a direct challenge of Empress Rowe herself, and all will be held accountable. Including allies.”

Empress Rowe herself is well known for spending time dealing with problems of her homeworld, one of many Sith to do so from former Emperor Validus and Emperor Destius to Executor Kālarātri’s work with the Pantoran Assembly.

Accusations laid by Empress Celue against members of the KOJ during recent attempts to rejoin or Ally with the NG. asserting several violations of the Accords however, continue to be discussed as well.

Vice Chancellor ZannahBlue opined that, “My reading of the protocol shows no such limit in any of the specified sections, or anywhere within that I have looked, so my finding is that there is no validity to the complaint.”

KalosProkopa of KOJ spoke next, “The stance of KOJ on this issue is in accord with the Vice Chancellor. There is nothing in the Accords that prevents more than one member of a given Order from speaking to this gathering.”

Senator Satsisyi’tam of Yavin agreed, “I don’t believe there is much to discuss … I think most of us were in agreement of the interpretation.”

Jedi Master Thalia Spintrus added, “Empress Celue has been against the Aldera Accords since her first tenure in this senate. She seeks control not cooperation.”

KalosProkopa continued, “Our reading of the Accords is that we are free to share intelligence with the GR, not that we are obligated to share the sources of it. And in any event, CE is not a signatory to the Accords, and thus are not obligated to the nature of our intelligence on any given issue. The Celestial Empire has made an accusation against the KOJ with respect to the Aldera Accords; KOJ refutes the accusations as baseless and lacking standing. But it is not the role of the Celestial Empire to prosecute the accusation. It is up to the Galactic Republic to do so. I put it in your hands to either pursue this or dismiss it.”

A senior member of the Sith Empire speaking under the condition of anonymity, confirmed that the Sith Empire had released troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic brought to them by Empress Celue. “The Empire is not interested in her skirmishes to desperately grasp for table scraps off of the Empress’ dinner table. As the CE does not back the Sith in combat, nor will the Sith Empire be dragged into CE affairs.”

All the shocking details you can stand!